Friday, July 15, 2011

On the road again...

Howdy from somewhere on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. We've been in the car for about 6 hours now on our way to Michigan. You might remember that taking a trip to the mitten is on my list of hopes for this year, so I am quite thrilled to be heading north!

On our Michigan itinerary is a visit with one of my very best friends and her hubby, a trip to my hometown, and (of course) Harry Potter (dont think it didn't kill me to miss out on the midnight showing!) This exciting trip is only a quick stop on a much longer roadtrip-- we're on our way to a huge conference with our organization in Colorado, so we're actually gone for the next 2 weeks (only to return for 2 days before packing the moving van to move to our new house!)

Needless to say, it's a hectic few weeks. So while I'm going to do my best to post a couple times while we're on this 3600 mile adventure, things are going to be a little slow around here until we are settled in our new casa. Thanks for hanging in there with me during all this transition!

With love, Erin

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